What To Look Out For When Choosing Scalp Micropigmentation Procedure?
When you surfing in Internet “scalp micropigmentation ” , it appears thousands transformation photos. In fact, the SMP “experts” have exaggerated the work so much that they even advertise the videos on my Youtube channel.
I recommend everyone to read this article till end, because you can find here beneficial informations.
Lets start in detail explain scalp micropigmentation procedure
Are You Psychologically Ready to Apply Scalp Micropigmentation? Will the Scalp Micropigmentation Actually Meet Your Expectations?
Actually, that’s the most important question. What are your expectations? At first i want to learn about customers expectations.If the result of SMP does not meet the expectations of the person, I recommend other hair recovery treatment.
Let’s explain with samples. For example,if customer has not hair in crown and front sides, that mean this person always should shave his hair on sides and back side to be suitable for scalp micropigmentation procedure. Actually , it mean every week he should visit his barber and cut his hair. Not all customers accept this situation and for such clients i recommend hair transplant or prothesis hair. I always take into consideration customers desire.
In other words, to summarize; first of all expert should listen customers expectations and after talk about treatment. In our center you can get most adequate advice about hair recover treatment.
Have you studied well the specialist you want to get a service for?
This is the second most important question. Work is dexterity.For this reason, you should familiarize yourself with the previous work and recommendations of the specialist who performed the procedure, and even, if possible, call and talk to him by phone.
Checking References and Complaint Situations of the Center You Want to Get Service From. Here’s another thing you should pay attention to. Sometimes a specialist is a very professional, but the products and the equipment are mediocre, its impossible to get good results.
In other words, treatment which done with not quality equipment and inks always gives unsuccessful results.
Are They Really Going to make Scalp Micropigmentation Or Hair Tattoo?
Hair tattooing and scalp micropigmentation are different procedures. I explained this in another article. You can get information by reading that article. But let me briefly convey it here too.
Tattooing is a permanent procedure. Tattoo inks never remove from the skin. But these inks change color after 3 years, after 5 years, maybe after 10 years, but ALWAYS change colour. The black color changes to green or blue. Imagine what the procedure you will have on your head under the name of hair tattoo and given a lifetime warranty will be like when it changes color… Calculate the ordeal you will suffer when you need to have it removed.
Therefore, be aware when receiving services from centers that tell you ”we will make a hair tattoo“ or promise ”permanent scalp micropigmentation”.
Should the Equipment and Inks Approved by the Relevant Ministry?
First of all customers should take into consideration that they will inject a ink into skin. This ink should not have a side effect on human health. The equipment used should not cause allergic conditions. Therefore, make sure that the ink and equipment used are approved by the ministry. Also make sure that the dye is the same as the document provided to you.
No matter who you prefer you SMP procedure. Please be careful with these. Happy and healthy days.