What is Hair Prosthetics?
Hair prosthetics is one of the most popular hair loss solutions and is widely used by people who suffer hair loss due to medical reasons. Hair prosthesis is non surgical hair loss treatment. A hair prosthetics can be designed to cover either full head or customized depending on the hair loss area to treat dense or partial baldness. Cranial prosthesis helps protect disease-weakened immune systems from the sun and regulates body temperature. There is many types of hair prosthetics. Skin hairpieces or hair prosthesis are made of a special kind of glue. The thickness of the skin hair piece is changeable with the thinnest skin being only 0.03mm. It is therefore the most natural skin based hair prosthetics. If you want to have a durable skin hairpiece, then the skin needs to be thicker. The thicker it is, the more durable it will be.
What are the Advantages of Hair Prosthetics?
In the hair prosthetics; the application takes 2-3 hours depending on the situation. The same result is achieved for everyone who has had the procedure, without exception. These are its main advantages.
You can choose the length and model of your hair, choose the model that best suits your face. If you have enough budget to allocate for the unit, you will have blow-dried and dyed hair.
What are the Disadvantages of Hair Prosthetics?
Every aesthetic application has its advantages as well as disadvantages. The first disadvantage is that the application is very expensive in our country. The procedure in which you can get a truly natural hair look have a high price, and the service life is no more than a year. That is, if you want high quality, the amount of treatment will increase.
Another disadvantage is the budget and time that you need to allocate for procedure. You should every 15 days visit center to make after care. Although there are centers that say that you can also perform the care yourself at home, but you can damage your prosthetics hair.
Getting used to carrying hair that doesn’t belong to you on your head may not be easy.
Which Prosthetic Hair Center Should I Choose?
The points that you should pay attention to when choosing a center or a specialist for any aesthetic application are actually standard. It is necessary to give preference to centers that are successful in their field and can provide many references.
In addition, you should choose a center with a strong team of experts who can prove that they uses materials that do not harm human health.
If it’s about aesthetics, you should remember that it’s impossible for a company that does its job properly to be unpopular. It is impossible for an aesthetic practice center that cannot make its customers happy to be popular and have a good reputation.
Recommendations for Those Who Will Have Prosthetic Hair Done
- Do not forget that prosthetic hair is an aesthetic application that you need to constantly care for. If you do not have the time and budget to devote to maintenance, think again about applying this method.
- Remember that if you stop using it for any reason, you may have to answer the curious questions of your social circle.
- Know that when the life of the prosthetic hair expires, you will have to make your first expense again.
- Never choose center which offer cheap prices
Serkan Bozkurt
SMP Expert