The Price Of Scalp Micropigmentaion
The cost of scalp micropigmentation varies based on several factors, including the size of the treatment area, your type of skin, if you have scarring, how dense your natural hair is and had you hair transplant or no.
For example,let’s compare two people,one of them never made hair transplant and the other already applied this operation. The scalp of first person is smooth and not damaged,so he can get perfect and natural look in two sessions (6 hours per session).
The scalp of second person is sensetive and damaged after hair transplant,therefore the treatment will take 3-4 sessions.
All treatments are priced individually based on the above-mentioned factors. To get a better idea of the cost of scalp micropigmentation for your specific case,call us 444 26 17 and schedule an appointment.
You can call Turkeys first registered HFS center scalp micropigmentation center per number 444 26 17 and get whole information about treatment.Our experts will be gland to answer your questions.Our goal is to provide you with quality and best service. For your wishes and suggestions bilgi@hfscenter.com